We are surrounded by art and design in our daily lives, be it the cereal box or the interiors of our favourite restaurant. The rapid evolution that this field has experienced is credited to technology which has pushed artistic boundaries to new heights. 

Europe is regarded as the cradle of art and culture by many, and an inspiring destination for students to study and pursue a career in. Home to contemporary art, it’s now embracing the fusion of technology with artistic abilities. This is a place where you can admire the Mona Lisa painting and also marvel at its reproduction as a picture mosaic using modern software. 

England’s capital city is famous for its ‘creative economy’ and taking art foundation courses in London could be a doorway to limitless possibilities. Not only does the city offer some excellent design programmes, it also houses 50 affluent recruitment agencies for this sector. 

Design meets tech 

Art and design have always been influenced by their surroundings, and while we are undergoing a digital revolution, designers are incorporating this element to usher in an entire new concept.

Many famous pieces of art have been reintroduced to us with the help of modern gadgets. Vincent Van Gogh would have never imagined that his oil on canvas, ’The Starry Night’ would one day become a monitor wallpaper or a t-shirt print!

It’s these ingenious forms of art that continuously shape the world around us and create a global culture. Foundation courses in London can help you tap into your creative side and find your niche in this field. 

Maker culture 

As an artist, you aspire to create something authentic that connects with people across the globe, and the only way to do that is through technology. The irony is that as the high-tech world becomes increasingly impersonal, technology and craftsmanship are coming together to bring new creative expressions. 

Art and design manifest in multiple forms, and each artist has something innovative to offer. This new ‘maker culture’ is also promoted by corporations and Etsy is one example which offers a platform to its own community of independent creators and designers to showcase their talent to the world. 

While maker culture is a vast umbrella term, it can be best explained as artists bringing ideas into prototypes through technology. With proper training and access to software, you can draw or sketch anything into existence, all thanks to the latest tech. An Art and design foundation course will give you the knowledge to be part of this exciting new culture. 

Mixed media and 3D art 

Technology not only empowers art, but also makes it more fun. Through mixed media, you get to explore your own artistic abilities and incorporate them with other creative forms. This whimsical blend gives shape to modern day art with the use of multiple things like using real flowers as skirts and drawing legs underneath them as UK-based artist, Martha Haversham does. You can even add sculpture to your paintings or present a short film purely through visuals as Evelien Lohbeck did in her prize-winning film, ‘Notebook’. 

The 3D virtual environment has also shaped the way people view and experience art and design. While Vincent Van Gogh could capture the realistic beauty of a sunflower on canvas, London-based artists, Rob and Nick Carter used 3D to create a sculptural reproduction of the masterpiece. Similarly, British artist, Adam Lowe, created a perfect replica of Egyptian King Tut’s tomb using 3D printing. 

Study in London 

Art is ingrained in the history and culture of London, which explains why students choose this city to start their careers. The London College of Contemporary Arts (LCCA) is a prominent educational institute that offers students a platform to explore their creative side. The immersive learning experience offered here through its art foundation courses will help you to identify your strengths and choose from among a broad range of expressive fields. 

As a student, finding the right direction early on is pivotal. The Foundation in Design and Creative Business is a course offered by the London College of Contemporary Arts (LCCA) which allows you to explore this specialist pathway by introducing you to a range of skills and tools.

Our experienced faculty will guide you through paintings, illustrations, 3D art and more, to hone your talent and give traction to your career. Click on the link above for more info!