In the 21st century, it’s vital to set up an online presence to market your work to as wide of an audience as possible. Read on to learn more about this form of self-promotion.

There are multitudes of websites out there that exist just so you can show off your artwork. Having an online portfolio is a great way to keep all your artwork in one place, where it’s easily accessed by future employers, tutors, and fans. An online presence will definitely benefit you if you’re hoping to become a designer, artist, or even an illustrator.

You can also choose to create your own website and design it your way, expressing your artistic talents. Treat your portfolio as an online CV. Whether you choose a hosting website or opt to set up your own site, make sure you compare all the options available to you. It can be a highly effective and cheap way to market your work.

Only showcase your best work, as well as pieces that take into account the entire depth of your creativity, as potential employers in particular won’t have the time to view everything you’ve done. Be sure to also display any awards and certificates too you've gained through your work. This is certain to impress as it shows your work has been recognised and has some level of exposure already.

It’s important to keep your portfolio updated regularly so viewers always see your most recent work first. Your online presence should reflect who you are, so remember to remain unique!

It's important to keep your work organised. If a couple of pieces all share the same theme, group them together. This will give your site a tidier look overall.

Things to include

Include an introductory page to give viewers an idea of who you are and an insight into your personality. It’s also good to include academic information and extra-curricular activities.

It’s a good idea to add some content onto your work, explaining your inspirations, favourite artists, etc. If there’s a story behind your artwork, definitely mention it (briefly).

Have some contact information on your page so those interested can get in touch with you.

By analysing which posts receive the most views, you can see which of your works is the most popular. Remember to get feedback on your portfolio after friends, family, and tutors have all seen it. Pay attention to their constructive criticisms if there are any.

In order to gauge the biggest reaction from people, post the link of you site to social media.

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